The company

Branchenführende Lösungen in Edelstahl

BOLZ INTEC combines tradition & innovation

Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für hygienesensible Prozesse in der Pharma-, Spezialchemie- & Kosmetikproduktion

Over 100 years have passed since we were founded in 1919 as a supplier to Zeppelin, but we are still driven by the same values and goals.

The results of the combination of tradition & innovation make BOLZ INTEC a "Preferred Supplier" of many well-known customers who are looking for a reliable partner committed to the excellence of its products.

1919: Foundation of the company as Ballauf & Springer in Friedrichshafen
1964: Foundation as Alfred Bolz GmbH & Co KG in Wangen, start of production of more than 300,000 containers for dairy farmers
1975: Relocation from Friedrichshafen to Eisenharz
1980-1985: Expansion of the product range for the pharmaceutical, chemical and food industries on an international level
1995: Separation from the Bolz Group

In 2008, the company changed its name to BOLZ INTEC GmbH and took on its current form. Since then, we have developed into an industry-leading supplier of drums, hoppers, pressure vessels and special designs made of stainless steel for a wide range of industries. Today, the focus is on the pharmaceutical industry, specialty chemicals and the cosmetics industry, but BOLZ INTEC's quality also finds its customers in other industries where hygiene and product safety play a crucial role. In 2019, BOLZ INTEC GmbH celebrated its 100th anniversary.

The latest milestone in BOLZ INTEC's company history is the presentation in 2023 of the "Optimized Grind Finishing®" (OGF) process developed in cooperation with the University of Constance, which reduces particle adhesion to stainless steel surfaces to a new minimum.

BOLZ INTEC in figures

Customers worldwide value containers & constructions from our production

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Fault tolerance

Quality is a priority at BOLZ INTEC! We make sure that even the tiniest detail is taken into account in the production of even the smallest product. Our focus is 100% on the requirements and satisfaction of our customers.

Unsurpassed quality

BOLZ INTEC stands for innovation, quality and precision in the manufacture of stainless steel drums, pressure vessels, apparatus and constructions according to our customers' specifications. As a close partner to the pharmaceutical, specialty chemicals and cosmetics industries, we focus on innovative solutions that set new standards in quality and hygiene, bring our customers tangible economic benefits and are tailored precisely to their requirements.

Innovative solutions

Research carried out by BOLZ INTEC in cooperation with the University of Constance has shown that the way in which stainless steel surfaces are removed plays a key role in minimizing particle adhesion. Different grinding methods result in different adhesion behaviour, despite the same Ra values, and the OGF process from BOLZ INTEC sets new standards for minimizing this.

Products from BOLZ INTEC stand for high efficiency, low costs & great economy

Gemeinsam arbeiten wir an der Zukunft des Edelstahlbehälters

BOLZ INTEC Kooperationen & Mitgliedschaften

BOLZ INTEC setzt auf enge Kooperationen mit Forschung und Lehre, um innovative, branchenführende Edelstahlprodukte zu entwickeln. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen gelingt es dem Unternehmen, neueste wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse direkt in die Produktentwicklung einfließen zu lassen. Ein Beispiel dafür ist die Kooperation mit der Hochschule Konstanz, aus der das bahnbrechende Optimized Grind Finishing®-Verfahren (OGF) hervorging. Diese Innovationsstrategie ermöglicht es BOLZ INTEC, stets an der Spitze der technologischen Entwicklung zu bleiben und Kunden optimale Lösungen anzubieten.
HTWG Hochschule Konstanz
Labor für Werkstofftechnik der Fakultät Maschinenbau

WITG Institut für Werkstoffsystemtechnik Thurgau an der Hochschule Konstanz CH - 8274 Tägerwilen
Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt

EHEDG Member
ISPE Member
CO.RA. Distributor Deutschland
BOLZ INTEC in pictures

Passion & motivation for best practice

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